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Medical Microneedling

What is Candela Exceed Medical Microneedling?


The Candela Exceed device offers enhanced treatment versatility as the first dual-indicated, FDA-cleared medical microneedling system for the treatment of both facial wrinkles and facial acne scar reduction. Each treatment session delivers powerful results with minimal downtime. The Exceed medical microneedling device delivers the latest treatment to repair and restore aging skin, naturally. Clinically proven to dramatically improve facial acne scars and facial wrinkles, the Exceed treatment produces excellent results after just 12 weeks. Best results noted after 3-4 treatments.


How does Medical Microneedling work?

Microneedling, also known as percutaneous collagen induction (PCI), is a non-surgical treatment that uses very fine, short, sterile needles to create tiny punctures in your skin, prompting a natural, collagen-stimulating healing process that corrects flaws and improves skin quality. This minimally invasive* facial treatment is clinically proven to deliver an improvement over time for several different dermatologic conditions, including facial wrinkles and facial acne scars.


Before your Microneedling Appointment

Please come to your appointment with a clean face. No makeup or medical grade products. Investing in your skin is a big decision, and you want to make sure you get the most of it by preparing in the best way. You’ll also want to get the best out of your treatment by following the post-treatment instructions carefully.


Pre-Treatment Instructions

  1. Stop using any Isotretinoin products, like Accutane, for six months before treatment unless you’ve been given clearance by a clinician.

  2. Discontinue the use of generic tretinoin or topical Retin-A for at least 48 hours prior to your treatment.

  3. Don’t use any exfoliating treatments, like glycolic acid or enzymes, on the area that is going to be treated for at least 48 hours before your treatment.

  4. Stop using any medium or deep chemical peels or chemical resurfacing treatments and laser treatments for at least two weeks before you have this facial treatment.

  5. Do not wax or use depilatories for at least 48 hours before your treatment.

  6. Stop using any over-the-counter acne medications, like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, for at least 48 hours before you have your facial.

  7. Avoid any excessive sun exposure and do not use any tanning beds for at least 72 hours before treatment.

  8. Do not have any Botox treatments for at least two weeks before treatment. You can have Botox done on the same day as your facial, but it must happen after the facial.

  9. Do not shave your face on the same day as the facial treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions

  1. Avoid extra sun exposure and don’t use any tanning beds for at least 72 hours after the treatment.

  2. The morning after the treatment, only wash your face with PCA Facial Wash or Hydropeptide Exfoliating Cleanser. This is because some over-the-counter facial washes can damage your skin after this treatment.

  3. For thirty days after your treatment, apply PCA Hyaluronic Boosting Serum every day in the morning and at night.

  4. Apply the Hydropeptide SPF 30 sunscreen daily for at least three to five days after treatment.

  5. Don’t use topical Retin-A or generic tretinoin for at least 48 hours after treatment.

  6. Do not wax or use depilatories for at least 48 hours after the treatment.

  7. Don’t use any medium or deep chemical peels or laser treatments for at least two weeks after your facial treatment.

  8. Don’t use any exfoliating treatments, like glycolic acid or enzymes, for at least 48 hours after the treatment.

  9. Don’t use over-the-counter acne medications, like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, for at least 48 hours after treatment.

  10. Avoid intense heat for at least 24 hours after treatment.

  11. Wait until the day after your treatment to apply makeup.

Microneedling VS. Other anti-aging Methods.


  • -Epidermis (outer layer of skin) remains intact and is not damaged unlike more invasive treatments

  • -Low risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

  • -The first dual-indicated microneedling treatment that is FDA-cleared for facial acne scars and facial wrinkles.

Clinically proven results for skin smoothing effects


  • -86% of the subjects reported significant improvement of their acne scars3

  • -88% reported they would recommend the treatment to family and friends

Improvement in aging skin


  • -90% of patients saw an improvement in facial wrinkles

  • -78% of subjects saw an improvement in periorbital wrinkles in just 90 days



For those looking for a smooth complexion, microneedling is a minimally invasive skin perfecting procedure. The skin is naturally stimulated to:

-Create New Collagen

-Reduce Appearance of facial wrinkles 

-Treat Facial Acne Scars


There Aren’t Any Side Effects

The most notable side effects of the Candela Exceed microneedling device includes mild to moderate erythema observed after treatment, but no serious adverse effects reported. The Candela Exceed has a track record of producing beautiful results with minimal downtime.


It’s Infinitely Customizable

Microneedling can be customized to give you the exact results you’re looking for. There are many different depth settings available that can really address your priorities. Like other microneedling devices, the Exceed is a handheld unit that allows the aesthetician to target specific regions of the skin.The esthetician can even customize the depth that the needles go into your dermis to target and reach the goals that you have to help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scarring.

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